Archive for May, 2010

Flashback Friday, Happy Mother’s Day!

This weeks post is dedicated to that stylish woman posing with the baby girl. That baby girl was me!

Mom has always been kind, nurturing, loving, stylish, crafty and now that I’m an adult I realize how hilarious she is too! It now amazes me that she and dad raised six kids and kept their sanity.

Mom taught me how to be crafty. She has always been sewing, drawing, writing or creating something yummy in the kitchen. Mom taught me every craft I know, well except for wood working…her and I in a room with power tools may be slightly scary! (haha!) She made homemade pla-dough for us to sculpt and knew if you gave me a pair of scissors and some paper that I could stay busy for hours cutting shapes (I guess I finally learned to cut those shapes out of wool felt and stitch them together, huh Mom?). She taught me to sew, knit, crochet and embroider. If she was baking, she would always hand me my own little piece of dough to work with, I had mini pie pans, rolling pins and the like to make my own creation. I have always known that if I had a few supplies I could make just about anything because of her.

Thanks Mom, I love you!

~Mom’s Pla-Dough Recipe~

1 Cup Salt

1 Cup Flour

1/2 Cup Water

2 Tbs Oil

food coloring

Mix together and enjoy!

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there!

*Oh and a note to my awesome 5 brothers and sisters…Get your own blog! This is *my* latest feeble attempt to be Mom’s favorite! Hahaha!

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